In this website I am going to show some images of some of the sculptures I have created and describe some of the process of creating them.
This is "my" starting point before I start creating a doll...
The process I use to create is achieved by sitting quietly undisturbed with a cup of hot tea or a jack and coke and a cigar...Please excuse me if my honestly makes you uncomfortable, but that's how I start.
After that I just wait. I usully don't have to wait too long.
I start to create by starting with the armature , I guess most folks do.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, thats how we learn. Read a lot , check out youtube and make plenty of mistakes... you will achieve much.
I basically start the same way if I'm using ceramic clay, polymer clay or making a mosaic. I never rush the process...I calmly let it ha[ppen.